DanielaBrodie000detail of letterboxes and grapewinecreative detail bridesmaids' dressessmall dog resting on shelfhairdresser styling bride's hair for weddingMakeup artist doing bride's wedding makeupcreative reflection of bride and makeup artistportair of bride having hair styledbridesmaid helping father of bride with tiebridesmaids eating spaghettibride holding dress being fastenedhands lacing up back of bride's dressbridesmaids looking at bride from behindhands lagin back of bride's dressbride and bridesmaids before weddingwedding ringsdetail of groom's shoesgroomsman getting dressedgroomsman helping groom with bowtiegroom fixing groomsman's suspenderssilhouette of groom in top hattrees over driveway at caversham housedetail of vines on pillar at caversham housebride getting out of hummer limousinebride and her father descending stairs to aislebridal party at wedding ceremonybride and groom about to kiss and bride's mother looking onbride and groom with wedding celebrantgroom holding bride's hand and exchanging ringbride and groom exiting ceremony at cavershambride is congratulated by grandmotherbride and groom dance hold in front of lakebride and groom on jetty on lake at caversham hidden gardensbride sweeping dress in front of lake in caversham hidden gardenbride and groom portait in vineyardfine art bride and groom's legs in vineyardbride and groom at swan valley winerybride and groom portrait in long grasswedding rings clasped handsportrait of bride and groom in wheat fieldcandid fine art portraits of bride and groom in wheat fieldportraits of bride and groomgroomsmenphoto of groomsmengeusts during pre-dinner drinks outside caversham marquee during weddingdetail of wedding cake and floral centrepieceswide angle shot of caversham hosue marqueedetail shot of chandelier at caversham house marquee in perthbest man giving speech at weddinggroom's reaction during speechesbride and groom first dance at caversham marqueebride and groom frist dance during wedding at caversham house marqueegroom dipping bride during first dancebride and groom during first danceguests dancing at weddinggroomsmen dancing at weddingbride dancing during her weddingbride and groom dancingbride and groom dancing during weddingbride and groom leaving the receptionbride and groom leaving the receptionbride and groom silhouette kiss shot during weddingbride and groom in vintage convertible leaving wedding


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